Okay so I love these two!!

Could be slightly because I know Marley from going to school in Hawaii with her for a year.  We were freshman roomies at BYU-Hawaii back a couple of years ago, I think 3 years ago?! Crazy how fast time goes by!  She was one of my go-to girls for being a model for me back when I had no idea what I was doing with a camera.  So thanks Marley, for supporting a dream of mine that at the time I shouldn’t have been allowed near a camera haha.

Marley is the cutest, most fashionable, sweetest human ever. EVER.  I am so happy that she found someone to spend forever with.
It was a blast catching up with her 3 years later, all graduated and getting married to the nicest guy.  We danced around to Miley (obviously), and ran away from mosquitoes all night long! ha.
Loved seeing these two together and how much they build one another up.

