Finally wrapping up blogging for April….haha only 3 more months and then I’m caught up!!  We’ll see if I can catch up before July ends!
These two are the absolute best!  Kristina is Chase’s (my husband) cousin, and we’ve gotten to know each other a little bit more each year and she is the sweetest girl with the most contagious laugh and smile.  Seriously I don’t think I’ve ever seen Kristina NOT smiling?  Always the most positive attitude and it just makes you want to be around her all the time.  And then Tyler just adds to it— they bounce good vibes off of each other all around and I’m so happy they found each other. We took their engagements at their family cabin up in Donnelly— the place that Chase and I got married!  It holds a special place in all of our hearts and it’s always so fun for me to capture memories there, so I was so excited when thats where they chose to take them.  It’s seriously one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been.
I always feel so lucky that I married into such an incredible family—extended family and all.  What a blessing it’s been getting to know these two over the past few years, and the continued memories we get the chance to make in the future.  Cannot wait for their wedding in December.
